
Branding for Cerulean, an accessory brand in Taiwan.

Cerulean is a handcrafted jewelry brand centered on all-natural pearls, established in 2021. The Chinese name of Cerulean means “Tianlan”, originates from the homophone of “natural,” and the homophone of Chinese character “Lan” inspired the brand’s English name, “Cerulean.”


The concept for the Cerulean logo is inspired by the image of natural pearls, taking the circular shape as its starting point. The Tianlan logo consists of three circles. The first circle represents each natural pearl, symbolizing the unique and elegant beauty of the pearl’s smooth lines. The second circle represents the brand’s high-quality craftsmanship and professional expertise. The third circle symbolizes the uniqueness of each handcrafted piece of jewelry.


The font design extends from the Caudex typeface for the English text, while the Chinese characters are based on the Creamfont typeface, which has been adapted and extended to match the brand’s aesthetic.

天嵐是一個以全天然珍珠為核心的手工飾品品牌,成立於2021年。「天嵐」的命名源自「天然」的諧音,而「嵐」的諧音「藍」就成為這個品牌Cerulean。 Cerulean logo的概念是以天然珍珠的意象–圓形為出發點。天嵐的標誌由三個圓形組成,第一圈的圓,代表每一顆天然珍珠,珍珠高雅流線的獨特美,第二圈的圓,代表此品牌高質感的專業技術,第三圈的圓象徵每一個手工飾品的獨特性。 字體設計上由Caudex為基底做延伸,中文字以凝書體為基底做延伸。

